This page describes how to write and run unit tests for Tiki, using PHPUnit. These tests are quite different from the kinds of tests that can be done with TikiTest.

Unit tests, Integration tests and GUI level tests

In Tiki, we have three kinds of automated tests. This page refers to the first and second kind unit tests and integration tests. For more information on GUI level tests, see Tiki Testing with Selenium.

Cheat sheet / run the tests for the first time as a developer

First, follow the instructions at the top of file lib/test/local.php.dist to create the test database and configuration.

Then run the following to enter development mode. This will install and configure dependencies.

Enter Tiki Dev Mode
Copy to clipboard
php console.php dev:configure

Finally, you should be able to either:

  • Run all tests
    Copy to clipboard
    php phpunit
  • Run a specific test method
    Copy to clipboard
    php phpunit --filter testNameOfTheTestMethodYouAreTryingToWriteOrFix
  • Run all the tests in a test class
    Copy to clipboard
    php phpunit --filter Tiki_Name_Of_TestClass

Then make sure all the dev dependencies are installed.

Install/update dev dependencies
Copy to clipboard
php temp/composer.phar --ansi install -d vendor_bundled --no-progress --prefer-dist -n

Finally, you should be able to either:

  • Run all tests
    Copy to clipboard
    php lib/test/phpunit.php
  • Run a specific test method
    Copy to clipboard
    php lib/test/phpunit.php --filter testNameOfTheTestMethodYouAreTryingToWriteOrFix
  • Run all the tests in a test class
    Copy to clipboard
    php lib/test/phpunit.php --filter Tiki_Name_Of_TestClass

Unit tests

Unit Tests check the internals of certain classes, by exercising them in isolation from other classes and other infrastructure (eg: Apache, MySQL). This is what PHPUnit is especially good for. These tests run REALLY fast (the whole suite can be executed in less than a minute). Note however that those tests are only applicable to classes that are modular enough to be exercised in isolation from everything else. Generally speaking, that means the classes defined in lib/core.

Integration tests

Like unit tests integration tests check the internals of the system. The main difference is that they test one component in the context of the whole system, and, in particular, may need the Tiki DB in order to run. They are slower than Unit tests, but still faster than GUI level tests.

GUI level tests

These tests check the system by exercising it much in the same way that an end user might. This can be done either with TikiTests or Selenium. This kind of test tends to be very slow and the whole suite may take several hours to run. This type of test is not covered by this page. For more details, see Tiki Testing with Selenium.

Installing and configuring

Installing PHPUnit

PHPUnit is installed automatically via composer, when you run This doesn't seem to be true for trunk however. You need to cd vendor_bundled and run php ../temp/composer.phar install to install it on trunk.

Configuring environment variables

Some of the tests (those which restore the Tiki DB to start states) need to invoke mysql command. For this to work, you must make sure that the mysql command is part of your PATH.

Configuring a database for PHPUnit testing

Obviously we don't want our tests to mess up your actual production database. To prevent that, unit tests run on their own DB, which you have to create. You do this as follows.

First you have to create a new database. After you have to copy the file lib/test/local.php.dist to lib/test/local.php and edit it changing the default values to the values that match your environment.

Not sure, but the following settings should probably be the same in your lib/test/local.php and db/local.php files:

  • $dbversion_tiki
  • $host_tiki

The first time you run the test suite it will automatically populate the database. On subsequent runs it will update the database if needed.

Running existing tests

Once you have installed PHPUnit, you can run all the existing unit tests or subsets of them, as described in this section.

Ignoring pre-existing issues

In an ideal world, everyone would run the tests all the time, and would fix broken tests before doing a commit. But not everyone in our community does that, and therefore, it's quite common for trunk to have hundreds of broken tests that nobody knows how to fix.

When you run the tests, this makes it hard to tell if any of those failures or errors might be new, and have been introduced by a change you just made.

The phpunit_with_baseline.php script was designed to address this issue. Basically, it runs the tests and then compares the list of errors and failures to those of a baseline. It then only reports issues that are "new" and were not already present in that baseline.

To get more information on the usage of this script, do:

cd lib/test
php phpunit_with_baseline.php --help

Of particular interest is the --phpunit-options option. This is a string that will be passed on to phpunit. To know what the possibilities are for that option, do:

php vendor_bundled/vendor/phpunit/phpunit/phpunit --help

Note April 2016, Tiki 15:

The only way i could get these tests to run was to use

Copy to clipboard
php ../../bin/phpunit -c phpunit.xml

to run them all, or this for a subset

Copy to clipboard
php ../../bin/phpunit -c phpunit.xml ./core/WikiParser

Also i have to create and update the test database using the normal installer - everything seems quite broken currently 😢

Setting up testing in PhpStorm

If you use PhpStorm you can use these instructions to set up PHPUnit to run on Tiki here: Tiki Unit Testing with PhpStorm

Setup the test database

You need to have a copy of local.php in the directory lib/test. You can create it by coping lib/test/local.php.dist and customizing it accordingly.

 IMPORTANT: Make sure the DB you specify doesn't contain any valuable data

That's because in the course of testing, this DB will be modified, and possibly erased by the tests.

Run the tests

To run all the unit and integration tests (obsolete):

Copy to clipboard
cd lib/test php phpunit_with_baseline

To run all the unit and integration tests on trunk (replace php with e.g. php71 if you use different php-cli versions):

Copy to clipboard
php vendor_bundled/vendor/phpunit/phpunit/phpunit --colors=always

You may also exclude some tests like the GoogleTranslate tests, or the GUI level tests groups.

  • GoogleTranslate tests don't work if you need to specify a web proxy, because they get some data from Google translation tool.
  • GUI level tests, require a selenium installation and a configuration file for selenium. You may not have this available.

So, if you don't want to run one of those groups, you just have to use the --exclude-group option, like this:

Copy to clipboard
cd lib/test phpunit_with_baseline --phpunit-options "--exclude-group gui,GoogleTranslate"

Note that this assumes that a phpunit @group directive has been inserted in the source file of those tests.

You can also execute only tests whose names match a certain expression. For example:

  1. Will only run tests whose name contains string Importer

phpunit_with_baseline --phpunit-options "--filter Importer"

Sometimes, PHPUnit fails and does not provide you with sufficient details to allow you to know exactly where the error occured (for example, sometimes it doesn't even tell you in which TestCase the error happened). You can get more details by using the --verbose option. For example:

phpunit_with_baseline --phpunit-options "--verbose"

Writing new tests

Adding a new test function to an existing TestCase

If there is already a TestCase class (i.e. a class whose name ends with Test somewhere under lib/test) where your new test might fit in, then all you have to do is to create a new method of that class whose name starts with "test". For example:

Copy to clipboard
public function test_HelloWorld() { $this->fail("Forcing failure to see if this TestCase is actually loaded"); }

When you run the tests again, then you should see that test_HelloWorld was run and failed. Just change the content of that test so that it implements the actual tests.

Adding a new TestCase

If there isn't already a TestCase class where your new test might fit in, then you need to create a new TestCase class. This is done slightly differently for the different types of tests.

Let's start with an example for a unit tests. Say you want to create a class DummyUnitTest and want to put it under lib/core/Foo/Bar. All you need is to create a file lib/core/Foo/Bar/DummyUnitTest.php with the following content:

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<?php /* * @group unit */ class Foo_Bar_DummyUnitTest extends TikiTestCase { function setUp() { parent::setUp(); /* * Put your own setup code here. * Make sure you keep the above call to the parent setUp() * in case the parent test case needs to do some * setup also. */ } function tearDown() { /* * Put your own setup code here. * Make sure you keep the call below to the parent tearDown() * to ensure that the parent test case will teardown * anything it might have created. */ parent::tearDown(); } public function test_HelloWorld() { $this->fail("Forcing failure to see if this TestCase is actually loaded"); } } ?>


  • Foo_Bar_ prefix for the name of the class
    • This allows PHPUnit to automatically know that this class is located in a directory Foo/Bar located somewhere on the include path.
  • The class name and the file ends with Test
  • @group unit
    • This allows exclusion of unit tests using the --exclude-group option of PHPUnit

Creating a TestCase for an integration test is very similar, except that:

  • You would put the file in a subdirectory of lib, instead of lib/core
  • Set @group to 'integration' instead of 'unit'

For creation of GUI level tests, details will follow.

Creating a new GUI level test

Details will follow.


PHPUnit hangs up

If you invoke PHPUnit and nothing at all happens, it's probably because your XAMP services are not started. Although you are running the tests from a command line, some of the tests may actually require some services like SQL to run.

Fatal error: Allowed memory size of NNN bytes exhausted

Running thousands of tests tends to consume much more memory than your average web PHP script, especially if you use a version of PHP that does not have garbage collection.

So you might get the above error. The way to address that is to increase your the memory_limit in your php.ini file.

Note that you have to make sure you use the proper php.ini file (there are often more than one on a given computer). To find out which php.ini file is used when you run PHPUnit, do this in a shell window:

Copy to clipboard
php -i | grep ini

The file mentioned after "Loaded Configuration File =>" is the one you want. Just edit the file and increase the memory limit. If this is a development machine, then you can increase it all you want, but be careful if you are testing on a machine that is also used to deploy a Tiki site, and if the php.ini used by PHPUnit is also the one used by Apache, then don't increase it too much.

Tried to run an acceptance test without an initial database dump

If you get this error, it means you tried to run some GUI level tests, but are not properly setup to run them. See Tiki Testing with Selenium#Database_Issues for details.

In order to run GUI level tests,, you must have snapshots of databases pre-configured for different tests. If you do not have those snapshots, the tests will not run, and all other tests will not run either.

A way around this problem is simply to exclude the GUI level tests using the --exclude-group option:

Copy to clipboard
phpunit --exclude-group gui .

Failing tests for Multilingual_MachineTranslation_GoogleTranslateWrapperTest

This is probably due to the fact that you are using a web proxy. For some reason, the Google translation tool does not work from behind a proxy.

If you are running the tests behind a proxy, you can exclude those tests as follows:

Copy to clipboard
phpunit --exclude-group GoogleTranslate .


If your test executes code that raises a warning, this warning will get reported as a PHPUnit failure. That's because in phpunit.xml, we configure PHPUnit with convertWarningsToExceptions. That's because we want to be told about warnings and address them before they turn into actual bugs.

In some cases the code works just fine in spite of the warning, and getting rid of the warning would be too complicated to be worth it.

In those situations, you may want to address the issue by temporarily disabling E_WARNING just for that one bit of code, and just if you are running under tests. For example:

Copy to clipboard
do { $old_error_reporting_level; if (defined('TIKI_IN_TEST')) { $old_error_reporting_level = error_reporting(E_ERROR | E_PARSE); } require_once("renderer_$function.php"); if (defined('TIKI_IN_TEST')) { error_reporting($old_error_reporting_level); } } while (false);


Unit Tests
Unit Testing

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