Tiki was first released in October 2002 using CVS on SourceForge

The path to the source code was: http://tikiwiki.cvs.sourceforge.net/tikiwiki/tiki/


We had a major issue with branch-1.10.x and thus: RefreshHEAD


The Tiki project transitioned to Subversion (SVN) as of Tiki2, remaining at SourceForge. The platform was called Alexandria (internal name, not really promoted)

The path to the source code was https://tikiwiki.svn.sourceforge.net/viewvc/tikiwiki/ (now inactive)

The Tiki Remote Instance Manager (TRIM) project was started, and it offered a tool to convert a CVS instance to SVN.


On 2012-03-05, Tiki reaches 500 contributors with commit access

On 2012-12-12, Tiki source code management moved to the new platform offered by SourceForge.net

The path to the source code became: https://sourceforge.net/p/tikiwiki/code/HEAD/tree/ and svn info would show this path: https://svn.code.sf.net/p/tikiwiki/code/branches/

In SVN, each commit has a sequential ID. Pattern to access a commit is: https://sourceforge.net/p/tikiwiki/code/57668/

The old platform was "Alexandria", and the new one "Allura". The URL was https://sourceforge.net/projects/allura/

And later became Apache Allura


In May 2018, during the Tiki19 development cycle, a Git and SVN combined workflow using (SubGit) was set up by Luis Fagundes (and later managed by Fabio Montefuscolo). The canonical source code was still SVN on SourceForge, but contributors progressively started collaborating on https://gitlab.com/tikiwiki/tiki

In November 2018, Tiki Manager started as a revamp/fork/major upgrade of TRIM. Tiki Manager supported SVN and Git.


Git wad discussed in community meetings such as:

Git became the default in Tiki Manager: https://gitlab.com/tikiwiki/tiki-manager/-/merge_requests/91

And Bernard made one of his nice videos:


Bernard published another instructional video:

Tiki community members were asked to cease committing directly to SVN anymore, because 2-way sync would sometimes break. SVN support was maintained only to pull code.


It was announced that:
"SVN updates (for all versions of Tiki) will stop in January 2023. This coincides with when Tiki18 reaches end of life. However, even if you use another version (like Tiki 21x) from SVN, you will stop getting updates because the Git and SVN combined workflow will be retired."


Sometime after January 2023, the Git and SVN combined workflow will be retired, and there will no longer be any updates to SVN (except perhaps to add warnings to migrate). https://gitlab.com/tikiwiki/tiki is the canonical repo. Also, Pre-Git artefacts and scripts will be removed from the code base.

Other history:

Show PHP error messages
ERROR (E_WARNING): Trying to access array offset on null
At line 298 in temp/templates_c/en_social^51ed9d5e273be5e76d0e990a7170327cc292754c_0.file_tiki-show_page.tpl.php