Planning has started for Show3

TIM is an acronym for the Tiki Instance Manager, built for

TIM is similar to TRIM, but without the Remote part.

See also Tiki Console.



  • All our other shell scripts end with .sh Should these be as well?
    • That would be pointless, as:
      • they execute just as well without extensions
      • they are not sh shell scripts but bash scripts (and there will be no attempt at backward compatibility with sh which would make them unreadable)
      • a .bash extension would baffle everyone
  • Is 10.2: syntax error: invalid arithmetic operator (error token is ".2") something we should worry about?

Feature requests

  • code currently is hard-coded to -> Could this be changed to make it easier to manage a WikiFarm?
Show PHP error messages
ERROR (E_WARNING): Trying to access array offset on null
At line 298 in temp/templates_c/en_social^51ed9d5e273be5e76d0e990a7170327cc292754c_0.file_tiki-show_page.tpl.php