This is the responsibility of the Profiles Team (please join!)

This has now been moved to Console

An example: TikiMaster-Preference-Report

To generate a report of all prefs
Copy to clipboard
php doc/devtools/prefreport.php > prefreport.csv

Should be done on a fresh install, in English. This scans all the code for relevant info, and generated a .csv file with meta data on all prefs. The result will be (for example) at

This script was created to help manual checks to make sure

  1. No typos on using feature names
    • to avoid problems like the one solved on r17972, r21618, etc.
  2. None are forgotten
  3. There are no duplicates like r35237
  4. Make a list of all possible feature_names appearing in admin panels
  5. Make a list of all possible feature_names appearing lib/setup/prefs.php

How to improve

Pref Report Prefs Report
Show PHP error messages