Sometimes it is wanted to link large files as an attachment to a wiki page.

Common PHP limits restrict uploading of files to 1-200MB (often much lower), due to several limits e.g. max upload size and the PHP memory limit. Additionaly there may be limits in the web server and other system parts.

If the file is larger than the limits allow, getting the content integrated as an attachment is difficult.
Unlimited size is much better.

Use case: Publishing a large research report.
The wiki page contains the abstract. The full report is added as an attachment, which can be downloaded by the user.

Work around

This can be solved by linking a file gallery file, which can be imported using Batch Upload.
However, if all other research reports on the same site are available as attachments, it is best that also the large files are available through the same channel.


The module is similar to Batch Upload, but must link the imported file to a wiki page instead of a file gallery. Both use a file system level "rename" command to put the file directly into the file gallery storage, thus avoiding all upload/memory limits.

The GUI for the import command, can be placed along side the current Attachment command. Users, with permissions to import server-based wiki attachments, will then have a choice.

  1. Upload attachment from client PC
  2. Import attachment from the servers file system.

If "import" is chosen, a new panel opens where the user can choose which files to attach to the current wiki page.

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