Tiki Development

The place where Tiki Users meet Tiki Developers

Respect the environment * Commit early, Commit often * Make it optional
“Yes, Tiki does it.”
Tiki strives to be a powerful Open Source Wiki / Content Management System / Groupware, therefore it has its own issue tracker.
Learn more about why we are eating our own DogFood.


Visiting here for the first time?

Please do read How to Submit a new item on the Wishlist before submitting a bug or feature request.

The information on that page will help you to understand what the different fields mean and what to include in your submission.

Become a Developer!

The development of Tiki Wiki CMS Groupware is done in a collaborative fashion by a friendly community of several hundred contributors.

If you are new to open source projects or just new to Tiki, please start with TikiDevNewbie.

Show PHP error messages
ERROR (E_WARNING): Trying to access array offset on null
At line 298 in temp/templates_c/en_social^51ed9d5e273be5e76d0e990a7170327cc292754c_0.file_tiki-show_page.tpl.php