Project (What)

To develop a decision-making feature in Tiki by combining existing features and adding new ones, including Group decision making


  • Patricia Campbell (Evidem)
  • Régis Barondeau
  • Marc Laporte
  • Carsten Aevermann (we have plans for a complemental feature that we call "weighted rating"
  • you?


A limited proof-of-concept already exists (using trackers, wiki and comments), based on Tiki3 features. It will be updated to take advantage of new features in Tiki4 & Tiki5. Then a gap analysis will be produced in view of developing a scalable solution. We are awaiting funding for the project.


  • Tiki is amazing for collaboration and crowdsourcing. Tiki is amazing to manage all kinds of forms of data. Now, how to turn that data into information, and assist decision-making?

H5P option


Live examples

clue/graph algorithm

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Common algorithms Besides graph drawing, one of the most common things to do with graphs is running algorithms to solve common graph problems. Therefor this library is being used as the basis for implementations for a number of commonly used graph algorithms: Search * Deep first (DFS) * Breadth first search (BFS) Shortest path * Dijkstra * Moore-Bellman-Ford (MBF) * Counting number of hops (simple BFS) Minimum spanning tree (MST) * Kruskal * Prim Traveling salesman problem (TSP) * Bruteforce algorithm * Minimum spanning tree heuristic (TSP MST heuristic) * Nearest neighbor heuristic (NN heuristic) Maximum flow * Edmonds-Karp Minimum cost flow (MCF) * Cycle canceling * Successive shortest path Maximum matching * Flow algorithm See graphp/algorithms for more details.

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